===== Example short express session with a Funtracker.site Bank teller and customer ===== In this example this customer has already setup and sent a transaction to Funtracker.site Bank on the stellar.org network using the https://wallet.funtracker.site/ wallet to setup for a withdraw of funds from Funtracker.site Bank. He has sent the amount of $10.05USD to destination “bank” with fed_lookup becomes GBUYUAI75XXWDZEKLY66CFYKQPET5JR4EENXZBUZ3YXZ7DS56Z4OKOFU in the destination box. He has set the Asset_code: USD and set the Issuer: GBUYUAI75XXWDZEKLY66CFYKQPET5JR4EENXZBUZ3YXZ7DS56Z4OKOFU. And presses the big green Send_Transaction button. He verifies on the top of the screen that his transaction had no errors and now shows completed. Remind you he would preferably do this transaction during our normal banking hours of 9:00am – 4:30pm bkk time mon – friday. The other option is you can pm the admin in off hours with your requests after a tranfer like the one above. The bank will replay in your pm channel with your status when transaction is completed after the bank opens and does your transaction as requested. We will also send you an email of the status update of the funds transfer. This will only work on non optional security accounts. With the optional security active, there is no offline methods to setup transactions. you must contact an admin teller for that. Customer now goes to the bank website after transaction above at: https://chat.funtracker.site/channel/bank. Here we will again call the customer Mr. X that is now in the bank lobby and he asks: Mr. X: “ Hi I would like to make a withdraw that's been pre funded” in a moment an admin sets up a PM (private message) with Mr. X Admin teller: “Hi Mr. X I had already brought up your records and see you setup a transaction to withdraw funds from funtracker.site Bank. What is it you would like us to do with your $10.05 USD less the withdraw fee of 0.05 USD today?” Mr. X: “ I would like you to send me the remaining funds less fees to my paypal.com account X@gmail.com . “ Admin teller: “ very good Mr. X, we note you have no optional security check in your personal profile here so we will go ahead and send the remaining balance of $10.00 less your $0.05 transaction fee to your paypal.com account X@gmail.com for you in just a moment. Would you like to wait for verification of paypal.com transaction Mr. X? Mr. X: “ ya I'll wait” Admin teller: “ Ok very good one moment please.... ok your paypal.com account has been credited with your $10.00 USD. Is there anything else I can do for you today Mr. X? Mr. X” “ nope by” ; customer disconects Admin teller prepares for next customer. In a slightly modified version of this we will show that you can perform this action (in a non optional security account only) with just a simple PM to an admin teller at the bank even at off hours as long as the needed info for the transaction is provided. Example: the customer has done the same prefunded https://stellar.org network transaction as performed in the previous example. He would then go to the funtracker.site bank website: https://chat.funtracker.site/channel/funtracker.site_bank and log into the bank lobby with his account. He then would setup a PM (private message) with an admin manager that is aways present in the lobby but may not be active on-line. He would then send something like this in the PM: "I have prefunded a withdraw on my account in the amount of $10.05 USD. Please have the remaining funds less fee's transfered to my paypal.com account at x@gmail.com. Also please send any updated status on the transaction via sms on my phone at +66868270288. Thank you." He would then disconnect and await his transaction to take place and his status sms to be received some time later. That's it that simple!