===== Funtracker.site Bank opening accounts in Hong Kong HSBC Bank ===== We have already scheduled a visit to Hong Kong to open an account in HSBC Bank that should be operational on Jan 9 2018. With this account we can hold and move fiat asset of some 50+ types that we can at any time setup transfers to any other local Hong kong or international wire point. From this point we will continue to operate as a micro bank with transactions no more than $1000 USD in value per customer per day. Hong kong looks to be a perfect first step in micro banking and we will use this as a prototype test and training for other micro banks to follow suit. == Update Jan 13, 2018: == This project has been suspended after our attempt to open the accounts in Hong Kong at several different Hong Kong banks failed. We found it not as easy to open an account in Hong Kong than we had been told. So This looks will take more money than we have budgeted to spend on this at this time. We still see this as a valued step when the funds or a partners in that region become available.